Frank Aloi
Second Sunday of the month after the 9am mass
Holy Redeemer Catholic Center lunchroom
The Holy Name Society is a fraternal organization dedicated to enhancing the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ.
The purpose of our ministry is to spread and increase love for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ by word and by the example of a sensible secular religious life fulfilling the petition of the Lord’s Prayer.
This Society was established to assist its members in accomplishing all the purposes requested of Public Associations of Christ's Faithful as defined in Canon Law through prayer, frequent reception of the sacraments, fraternal cooperation and spiritual works of mercy. Finally, and with great vigor, by public demonstrations of Faith through the veneration of the Holy Names of God and Jesus Christ. This Society is fundamentally a spiritual organization for Catholics - lay and religious, whose purpose is to give honor to the Most Sacred Names of God and Jesus and to assist members to grow in holiness and achieve their personal salvation.
Need more help? Contact Jennifer at 724.776.2888 ext.1210 [email protected]