Betsy Petti [email protected]
Monthly September thru May
Holy Redeemer Catholic Center
Founded by St. Vincent De Paul, the Ladies of Charity responded to the needs of the poor in seventeenth century France. Together with St. Louise de Marillac, they went quietly about their tasks, seeking no recognition, satisfied with the knowledge that they were serving Christ in the person of the poor. The Ladies of Charity give the personal gift of self, of time, devotion, sacrifices, and perseverance in the effort to bring dignity to each person and to respond with compassion to every human misery.
The Ladies of Charity, seek every opportunity to make Christ present by serving the material and spiritual needs of the sick, the poor and the marginalized of our society. At Holy Redeemer we care in particular for those parishioners who cannot attend mass. We take Jesus in the Eucharist to them as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
We always welcome new members!
Need more help? Contact Jennifer at 724.776.2888 ext.1210 [email protected]