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Enjoy the archives of Sunday Mass and Daily Reflections from our parish:
-March 6, Lenten Mission Program - The Divine Mercy of God: Disciples are Agents of Mercy (Session 1 of 3), by Fr. James Wehner
-March 7, Lenten Mission Program - The Divine Mercy of God: Disciples are Agents of Mercy (Session 2 of 3), by Fr. James Wehner
-March 8, Cancelled - Lenten Program - The Divine Mercy of God: Disciples are Agents of Mercy (Session 3 of 3)
-March 14, Lenten Adult Faith Formation "
Why Are Priests Celibate?
", by Fr. James Wehner
-March 21, Lenten Adult Faith Formation "
Moral Issues - From Homosexuality to the Death Penalty
", by Father James Wehner
-March 28, Lenten Adult Faith Formation "
Catholic Understanding of Sacred Scripture
", by Father James Wehner
-August 17, Theology on Tap with Father Joe Freedy
-September 6, What is Possible in the Spiritual Life?, by Seminarian Erik Pintar
-September 13, How to Go Deeper in Dialogue with Our Lord, by Seminarian Erik Pintar
-September 20, Difficulties In Personal Prayer, Dryness and Desolation,
by Seminarian Erik Pintar
-September 27, Liturgy of the Hours: Ancient Methods of Praying the Psalms, by Erik Pintar
-December 4, Advent Parish Mission Day 1 with speaker Father Dan Leary
-December 5, Advent Parish Mission Day 2 with speaker Father Dan Leary
-December 6, Advent Parish Mission Day 3 with Speaker Father Dan Leary
-December 7, Advent Evangelization and Mission Program - O Come, O Come Emmanuel: The Triumph of the Holy Eucharist, by Fr. James Wehner
-December 6, Advent Evangelization and Mission Program - O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Being Catholic and American, by Father James Wehner
-December 5, Advent Evangelization and Mission Program - O Come, O Come Emmanuel: How to Let Christ into Your Heart, by Fr. James Wehner
-November 16, What About Protestants and Non-Catholics, by Fr. James Wehner
-November 8, Do Catholics Worship Mary/Saints? Protestants Think So, by Fr. James Wehner
-October 30, Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-October 25, Who is Jesus Christ: God or Man?, Fr. James Wehner
-October 23, The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-October 18, Did Jesus Really Intend for Popes, Bishops, and Priests?, Fr. James Wehner
-October 16, The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-October 11, Did Jesus Really Intend for the Eucharist/Mass?, Fr. James Wehner
-October 9, The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-October 2, The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-September 27, Tuesday of the Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers
-September 25, Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-Setpember 22, Thursday of the Twenty-Fifith Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers
-September 21, Wednesday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-September 20, Presentation on "What Mormons Believe" by Fr. Mannerino
-September 18, Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-September 13, Tuesday of the Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-September 11, Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary TIme, Fr. Mark Thomas
-Septmeber 4, Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-August 30, Tuesday of the Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers
-August 28, Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-August 23, Tuesday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-August 21, Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-August 17, Wednesday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-August 16, Tuesday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-August 14, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-August 10, Wednesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Jim Wehner
-August 9, Tuesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-August 7, Installation of Father James Wehner
-August 7, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-August 1, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers
-July 29, Friday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time. Fr. James Wehner
-July 28, Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Seminarian Erik Pintar
-July 26, Tuesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-July 24, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-July 21, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-July 19, Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-July 18, Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-July 17, Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-July 14, Thursday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-July 12, Tuesday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-July 11, Monday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-July 7, Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-July 5, Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Seminarian Erik Pintar
-July 3, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. James Wehner
-June 28, Tuesday on the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-June 26, The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-June 23, The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Seminarian Erik Pintar
-June 21, Tuesday on the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-June 18, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Fr. John Gallagher
-June 16, Thursday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-June 14, Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-June 9, Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time, Sr. Patricia Myers
-June 5, Pentecost Sunday, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 29, Seventh Sunday of Easter, Fr. John Gallagher
-May 27, Friday the Sixth Week of Easter, Sr. Patricia Myers
-May 25, Wednesday the Sixth Week of Easter, Fr. John Gallagher
-May 22, Sixth Sunday of Easter, Fr. Mark Thomas
-May 20, Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 16, Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-May 15, Fifth Sunday of Easter, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 11, Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter, Sr. Patricia
-May 8, Fourth Sunday of Easter, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 6, Friday of the Third Week of Easter, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 4, Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter, Fr. Mark Thomas
-May 2, Monday of the Third Week of Easter, Fr. John Gallagher
-May 1, Third Sunday of Easter, Fr. John Gallagher
-April 29, Friday of the Second Week of Easter, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-April 27, Wednesday of The Second Week of Easter, Deacon Don Pepe
-April 25, Monday of The Second Week of Easter, Sister Patricia
-April 24, Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy, Fr. David Egan
-April 22, Friday within the Octave of Easter, Fr. David Egan
-April 20, Wednesday within the Octave of Easter, Fr. Philip Farrell
-April 18, Monday within the Octave of Easter, Fr. Mark Thomas
-April 16, Easter Vigil, Fr.David Egan
-April 15, Good Friday, Fr. John Gallagher
-April 13, Wednesday of Holy Week, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-April 11, Monday of Holy Week, Deacon Don Pepe
-April 10, Palm Sunday, Fr. Mark Thomas
-April 6, The Fifth Week in Lent, Fr. David Egan
-April 4, The Fifth Week in Lent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-April 3, The Fifth Sunday in Lent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-April 1, The Fourth Week in Lent, Fr. Mark Thomas
-March 27, The Fourth Sunday in Lent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-March 25, The Third Week in Lent, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-March 21, The Third Week in Lent, Sr. Patricia Myers
-March 20, The Third Sunday in Lent, Fr. Mark Thomas
-March 16, The Second Week in Lent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-March 14, The Second Week in Lent, Fr. Mark Thomas
-March 13, The Second Sunday in Lent, Fr. Mark Thomas
-March 11, The First Week in Lent, Fr. John Gallagher
-March 9, The First Week in Lent, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-March 7, The First Week in Lent, Deacon Don Pepe
-March 6, The First Sunday of Lent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-February 28, Monday, The Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Sr. Patricia Myers
-February 27, The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-February 26, Second Parish Grouping Assembly Meeting/ at St. Gregory
-February 25, Friday, The Seventh Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-February 23, Wednesday, The Seventh Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-February 20, The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-February 18, Friday, The Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-February 16, Wednesday, The Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-February 14, Monday, The Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-February 13, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-February 11, Friday, The Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Sr. Patricia Myers
-February 9, Wednesday, The Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-February 7, Monday, The Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-February 6, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-February 4, Friday, The Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-January 31, Monday, The Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-January 30, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-January 28, Friday, The Third Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-January 24, Monday, The Third Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-January 23, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-January 21, Friday, The Second Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers
-January 19, Wednesday, The Second Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-January 17, Monday, The Second Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-January 16, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
January 14, Friday, The First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-January 12, Wednesday, The First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-January 10, Monday, The First Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-January 9, The Baptism of the Lord, Fr. Philip Farrell
-January 7, Friday, St. Raymond of Penyafort, Priest, Deacon Don Pepe
-January 5, Wednesday, St. John Neumann, Bishop, Sister Patricia Myers
-January 3, Monday, The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Fr. David Egan
-January 2, 2022, The Epiphany of the Lord, Fr. Mark Thomas
-December 31, Friday the Seventh Day within the Octave of the Navitiy of the Lord,
Father Philip Farrell
-December 29, Wednesday the Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord,
Fr. Mark
-December 27, Monday the Third Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord,
Fr. John Gallagher
-December 24, Friday, Christmas Eve, Fr. Philip Farrel
-December 22, Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-December 20, Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent, Deacon Don Pepe
-December 19, The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-December 17, Friday of the Third Week of Advent, Sister Patricia
-December 15, Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent, Fr. David Egan
-December 13, Monday of the Third Week of Advent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-December 12, The Third Sunday of Advent, Fr. David Egan
-December 10, Friday of the Second Week of Advent, Fr. Mark Thomas
-December 6, Monday of the Second Week of Advent, Fr. John Gallagher
-December 5, The Second Sunday of Advent, Fr. Mark Thomas
-December 3, Friday of the First Week of Advent, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-December 1, Wednesday of the First Week of Advent, Deacon Don Pepe
-November 29, Monday of the First Week of Advent, Father David Egan
-November 28, First Sunday of Advent, Fr. John Gallagher
-November 16, Friday of the Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia
-November 24, Wednesday of the Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time,
Special Thanksgiving Message from Fr. Philip Farrell
- November 24, Wednesday of the Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
- November 21, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Fr. Philip Farrell
- Novemeber 19, Friday of The Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
- November 17, Wednesday of The Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
- November 15, Monday of The Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-November 14, The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-November 12, Friday of The Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia
-November 10, Wednesday of The Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark
-November 7, Parish Grouping Assembly Meeting/ at St. Gregory Parish 12:30pm
-November 7, The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Ed Kunco
-November 5, Friday of The Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-November 3, Wednesday of Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-November 1, Monday of The Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-October 29, Friday of The Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers, SHS
-October 27, Wednesday of The Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-October 25, Monday of The Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-October 22, Friday of The Tweny-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-October 18, Monday of The Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-October 17, The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-October 15, Friday of The Twenty-Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers, SHS
-October 13, Wednesday of The Twenty-Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-October 11, Monday of The Twenty-Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-October 10, The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-October 8, Friday of The Twenty-Seventh in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-October 6, Wednesday of The Twenty-Seventh in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-October 4, Monday of The Twenty-Seventh in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-October 3, The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-October 1, Friday of The Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-September 29, Wednesday of The Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-September 27, Monday of The Twenty-Sixth Weel in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers, SHS
-September 26, The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-September 24, Friday of The Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-September 22, Wednesday of The Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-September 19, The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-September 17, Friday of The Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-September 15, Wednesday of The Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-September 13, Monday of The Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-September 12, The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-September 10, Friday of The Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers, SHS
-September 8, Wednesday of The Twenty-Third in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-September 5, The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-August 30, Monday of The Twent-Second Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-August 29, The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-August 23, Monday of The Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-August 22, The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-August 20, Friday of The Twenieth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-August 18, Wednesday of The Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers, SHS
-August 16, Monday of The Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-August 15, The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr. John Gallagher
-August 13, Friday of The Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-August 11, Wednesday of The Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Sister Patricia Myers, SHS
-August 8, The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-August 6, Friday of The Eighteenth of Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-August 4, Wednesday of The Eighteenth of Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-August 1, The Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-July 30, Friday of The Seventeenth Week in Ordinay Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-July 28, wednesday of The Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don
-July 26, Monday of The Seventeenth Week in Odrinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-July 25, the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-July 21, Wednesday of The Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-July 19, Monday of The Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-July 18, The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-July 16, Friday of The Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-July 14, Wednesday of The Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff
-July 12, Monday of The Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-July 11, The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-July 9, Friday of The Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-July 7, Wednesday of The Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Mark Thomas
-July 4, The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-July 2, 2021, Friday of The Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-June 30, Wednesday of The Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-June 27, The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-June 25, Friday of The Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-June 23, Wednesday of The Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-June 20, The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-June 18, Friday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-June 13, The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Ed Kunco
-June 11, Friday of The Tenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-June 9, Wednesday of The Tenth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Don Pepe
-June 8, Tuesday of The Tenth Week in Ordinay Time, Audra Brown
-June 6, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Sunday, Fr. David Egan
-June 4, 2021, Friday of The Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. David Egan
-May 29, The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity Mass, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 28, Friday of The Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. John Gallagher
-May 26, Wednesday of The Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 24, Monday of The Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-May 23, Pentecost Sunday, Fr. John Marcucci
-May 21, Friday of The Seventh Week of Easter, Deacon Don Pepe
-May 16, The Seventh Sunday of Easter, Fr. David Egan
-May 12, Wednesday of The Sixth of Easter, Deacon Jeff Ludwikowski
-May 10, Monday of The Sixth Week of Easter, Deacon Don Pepe
-May 9, The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Fr. Philip Farrell
-May 5, Wednesday of The Fifth Weeek of Easter, Audra Brown
-May 3, Monday of The Fifth Week of Easter, Fr. John Gallagher
-May 2, 2021, The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Fr. John Gallagher
-April 30, Friday of The Fourth Week of Easter, Fr. Farrell
-April 25, The Good Shepherd Sunday, Fr. Marcucci
-April 23, Friday of The Third Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-April 22, Thursday of The Third Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-April 19, Monday of The Third Week of Easter, A. Brown
-April 18, The Third Sunday of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-April 16, Friday of The Second Week of Easter Deacon Ludwikowski
-April 14, Wednesday of The Second Week of Easter Deacon Pepe
-April 12, Monday of The Second Week of Easter Fr. Farrell
-April 11, Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Egan
-April 5, Monday in The Octave of Easter, Fr. Egan
-April 3, 2021, Easter Vigil, Fr. Gallagher
-March 31, Wednesday of Holy Week, Fr. Farrell
March 29, Monday of Holy Week, Fr. Gallagher
-March 28, Palm Sunday of The Passion of The Lord, Fr. Egan
-March 26, Friday of The Fifth Week of Lent, Deacon Pepe
-March 24, Wednesday of The Fifth Week of Lent, Fr. Thomas
-March 22, Monday of The Fifth Week of Lent, Fr. Egan
-March 21, The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Fr. Gallagher
-March 19, Friday of The Fourth Week of Lent, Fr. Gallagher
-March 17, Wednesday of The Fourth Week of Lent, Fr. Farrell
-March 15, Monday of The Fourth Week of Lent, Audra Brown
-March 14, The Fourth Sunday of Lent, Fr. Egan
-March 12, Friday of The Third Week of Lent, B. Hart
-March 10, Wednesday of The Third Week of Lent, Fr. Thomas
-March 8, Monday of The Third Week of Lent, Fr. Egan
-March 7, The Third Sunday of Lent, Fr. Farrell
-March 1, 2021, Monday of The Second Week of Lent, Audra Brown
-Feb 28, The Second Sunday of Lent, Fr. Farrell
-Feb 26, Friday of The First Week of Lent, B. Hart
-Feb 24, Wednesday of The First Week of Lent, Fr. Egan
-Feb 22, Monday of The First Week of Lent, Fr. Thomas
-Feb 21, The First Sunday of Lent, Fr. Gallagher
-Feb 19, Friday after Ash Wednesday, Fr. Farrell
-Feb 17, Ash Wednesday, Fr. Gallagher
-Feb 15, Monday of The Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Feb 14, The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Feb 10, Wednesday of The Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Feb 8, Monday of The Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Feb 7, The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Kunco
-Feb 5, Friday of The Fourth week in Ordinary Time, Fr Farrell
-Feb 3, Wednesday of The Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Feb 1, 2021, Monday of The Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Jan 31, The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Jan 29, Friday of The Third Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Jan 27, Wednesday of The Third Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Jan 25, Monday of The Third Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Jan 24, The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Jan 22, Friday of Second Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Jan 20, Wednesday of The Second Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Jan 18, Monday of The Second Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Pepe
-Jan 17, The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Jan 13, Wednesday of The First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Jan 11, Monday of The First Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Jan 10, The Baptism of The Lord Sunday, Fr. Gallagher w/ Deacon Pepe
-Jan 8, Friday, Fr. Gallagher
-Jan 4, Monday, A. Brown
-Jan 3, The Epiphany of The Lord Sunday, Fr. Farrell w/ Deacon Pepe
-Jan 1, 2021, Friday, The Solemnity Of Mary, The Holy Mother of God, Fr. Farrell
-Dec 30, Wednesday, 5th Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, Deacon Pepe
-Dec 27, Sunday, The Holy Family Sunday, Fr. Egan
-Dec 24, Thursday, Christmas Eve, Fr. Egan
-Dec 23, Wednesday of the 4th Week in Advent, Fr. Thomas
-Dec 21, Monday of the 4th Week in Advent, Fr. Egan
-Dec 20, Fourth Sunday of Advent, Fr. Gallagher
-Dec 18, Friday of 3rd Week in Advent, Fr. Gallagher
-Dec 14, Monday of 3rd Week in Advent, A. Brown
-Dec 13, Third Sunday of Advent, Fr. Philip Farrell
-Dec 11, Friday of 2nd Week of Advent, Deacon Pepe
-Dec 9, Wednesday of 2nd Week of Advent, Fr. Farrell
-Dec 6, 2020 Second Sunday of Advent, Fr. Farrell
-Nov 30, Monday of 1st Week of Advent, B. Hart
-Nov 29, First Sunday in Advent, Fr.Gallagher
-Nov 27, Friday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Pepe
-Nov 26, Thursday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Nov 25, Wednesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Nov 24, Tuesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Nov 22, Sunday, Our Lord Jesus Christ King of The Universe, Fr.
-Nov 18, Wednesday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Pepe
-Nov 17, Tuesday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Nov 16, Monday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr Egan
-Nov 15, Sunday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Nov 13, Friday, 32 Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Nov 12, Thursday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Nov 11, Wed., 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Nov 10, Tuesday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Nov 9, Monday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Nov 8, Sunday of 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Nov 6, Friday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Nov 5, Thursday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Nov 4, Wednesday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Nov 3, Tuesday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time, E. Rice
-Nov 2, Monday All Souls Day, E. Rice
-Nov 1, Sunday(cont), All Saints Day, Fr. Gallagher
-Nov 1, 2020 Sunday, All Saints Day, Fr. Gallagher
-Oct 30, Friday 30th Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Pepe
-Oct 29, Thursday 30th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Oct 28, Wednesday 30th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Oct 27, Tuesday 30th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Oct 26, Monday 30th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Rice
-Oct 25, Sunday 30th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Oct 23, Friday 29th Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Oct 22, Thursday 29th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Oct 21, WEdnesday 29th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Oct 19, Monday 29th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Oct 18, Sunday 29th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Oct 16, Friday 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Oct 15, Thursday 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Oct 14, Wednesday 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Pepe
-Oct 13, Tuesday 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Deacon Pepe
-Oct 12, Monday 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Oct 11, Sunday 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Oct 8, Thursday 27th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Oct 7, Wednesday 27th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Rice
-Oct 4, Saturday 27th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Oct 2, Friday 26th Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Oct 1, 2020 Thursday 26th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Rice
-Sept 30, Wednesday 26th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Sept 29, Tuesday 26th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Sept 28, Monday 26th Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-Sept 27, Sunday 26th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Kunco
-Sept 24, Thursday 25th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Sept 23, Wednesday 25th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Rice
-Sept 22, Tuesday 25th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Sept 21, Monday 25th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Sept 20, Sunday 25th Week In Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-Sept 18, Friday, 24th Week In Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Sept 17, Thursday, 24th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Sept 16, Wednesday, 24th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Sept 15, Tuesday, 24th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-Sept 14, Monday, 24th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Sept 13, Sunday, 24th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-Sept 1
1, Friday, 23rd Week in ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Sept 10, Thursday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-Sept 9, Wednesday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-Sept 8
, Tuesday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Sept 7, Monday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-Sept 6, Sunday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-Sept 4, Friday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Sept 3, Thursday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-Sept 2, Wednesday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, E.
-Sept 1, 2020 Tuesday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, E.
-August 31, Monday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-August 30, Sunday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-August 28, Friday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-August 27, Thursday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-August 26, Wed, 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-August 25, Tuesday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-August 24, Monday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-August 23, Sun., 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-August 21, Friday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-August 20, Thurs., 20th Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-August 19, Wed., 20th Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
August 17, Monday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-August 16, Sunday, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-August 14, Friday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-August 13, Thurs., 19th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
August 12, Wed., 19th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-August 11, Tuesday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-August 10, Monday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-August 8, Sunday, 19th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-August 7, Friday, 18th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-August 6, Thursday, 18th Week of Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-August 5, Wednesday, 18th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-August 4, Tuesday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Harris
-August 3, Monday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Harris
-August 1, 2020 Mass, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-July 31, Friday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-July 30, Thursday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-July 29, Wednesday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-July 28, Take 2, Tues. 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Gallagher
-July 28, Tuesday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-July 27, Monday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Harris
-July 25, Mass for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
-July 24, Friday, 16th Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-July 23, Thursday, 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-July 22, Wednesday, 16th Week in Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
July 21, Tuesday, 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-July 20, Monday, 16th Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-July 18, Mass, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
-July 17, Friday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-July 16, Thurs., 15th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-July 15, Wed., 15th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-July 14, Tuesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-July 13, Monday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time, A. Brown
-July 12, Mass, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-July 10, Friday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Phil
-July 9, Thursday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Phil
-July 8, Wednesday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-July 6, Monday, 14th Week in Ordinary Time, E. Harris
-July 5, Mass, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Farrell
-July 3, Friday, 13th Week of Ordinary Time, E. Harris
July 2, Thursday, 13th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-July 1, 2020 Wednesday, 13th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-June 30, Tuesday, 13th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Torquato
-June 29, Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Fr. Torquato
-June 28, Mass, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-June 26, Friday, 12th Week of Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-June 25, Thursday, 12th Week of Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-June 23, Tuesday, 12th Week of Ordinary Time, B. Hart
-June 22, Monday, 12th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-June 21, Mass 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Torquato
-June 19, Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fr. Gallagher
-June 18, Thursday, 11th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-June 17, Wednesday, 11th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-June 16, Tues. of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time, E. Harris
-June 15, Mon. of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time, E. Harris
-June 14, Mass for Corpus Christi, Fr. Torquato
-June 12, Fri. of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thomas
-June 11, Thurs. of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Thoma
-June 10, Wed. of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Torquato
-June 9, Tues. of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time, Fr. Torquato
-June 8, Mon. of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-June 7, Mass of the Most Holy Trinity, Fr. Gallagher
-June 5, Fri. of the 9th Week of Ordinary Time, D. Pepe
-June 4, Thurs. of the 9th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-June 3, Wed. of the 9th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Egan
-June 2, Tues. of the 9th Week of Ordinary Time, Fr. Gallagher
-June 1, 2020 Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr. Gallagher
May 31, Mass for Pentecost Sunday, Fr. Marcucci
-May 30, Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-May 29, Friday of the 7th Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-May 28, Thursday of the 7th Week of Easter, Fr.Torquato
-May 27, Wednesday of the 7th Week of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-May 25 & 26, Mon. & Tues. of the 7th Week of Easter, D. Pepe
-May 24, Mass for the 7th Sunday of Easter, Fr. Egan
-May 22, Friday of the 6th Week of Easter, Fr. Egan
-May 21, Mass of the Ascension of the Lord, Fr. Gallagher
-May 20, Wednesday of the 6th Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-May 19, Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter, A. Brown
-May 18, Monday of the 6th Week of Easter, E. Harris
-May 17, Mass for the 6th Sunday of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-May 14, Thursday of the 5th Week of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-May 13, Wednesday of the 5th Week of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-May 12, Tuesday of the 5th Week of Easter, Deacon Pepe
-May 11, Monday of the 5th Week of Easter, Deacon
-May 10, Sunday of the 5th Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-May 9, Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter, Fr. Egan
-May 8, Friday of the 4th Week of Easter, Fr. Egan
-May 7, Thursday of the 4th Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
May 6, Wednesday of the 4th Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-May 5, Tu
esday of the 4th Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-May 4, Monday of the 4th Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-May 3, Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Easter
-May 2, Saturday of the 3rd Week of Easter, A. Brown
-Consecration of our grouping parishes to Mary
-May 1, 2020 Friday of the 3rd Week of Easter, E. Harris
-April 30, Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter, B. Hart
-April 29, Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-April 28, Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-Fr. Mark Speaks to the Confirmation Class of 2020
-April 27, Monday of the 3rd Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-Fr. Mark Speaks to the First Holy Communion Children
-April 26, Mass for the Third Sunday of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-April 25, Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Fr. Egan
-April 24, Friday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Deacon Pepe
-April 23, Thursday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-April 22, Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-April 21, St. Anthony Novena, Fr. Thomas
-April 21, Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-April 20, Monday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Fr. Gallagher
-April 19, Mass for the Second Sunday of Easter, Fr. Egan
-April 18, Saturday of the Octave of Easter, Fr. Torquato
-April 17, Friday of the Octave of Easter, A. Brown
-April, 16, Thursday of the Octave of Easter, A. Brown
-April 15, Wednesday of the Octave of Easter, E. Harris
-April 14, Tuesday of the Octave of Easter, Fr. Thomas
-April 13, Easter Monday, Fr. Thomas
-April 12, Easter Sunday Mass, Fr. Gallagher
-April 11, Easter Vigil Mass, Fr. Gallagher
-April 10, Good Friday Service, Fr. Thomas
-April 9, Mass of the Lord's Supper
, Fr. Kunco
-April 8, Deacon Pepe
-April 7, B. Hart
-April 6, Fr. Gallagher
-April 5, Palm Sunday Mass, Fr. Torquato
-April 4, Fr. Gallagher
-April 3, Fr. Gallagher
-April 2, Fr. Egan
-April 1, 2020 A. Brown
March 31, Fr. Thomas
March 30
, Deacon Pepe
-Sunday Mass, March 29, 2020
-March 28
, Fr. Torquato
March 27
, Fr. Torquato
March 26
, Fr. Egan
March 25
, Fr. Egan
-March 24, Fr. Gallagher
-March 23, Fr. Gallagher
-Sunday Mass, March 22, 2020
-Message from Fr. Gallagher, March 20, 2020